4th of July in a 911 Center: Gunshots or Fireworks?
For most Americans, Independence Day is a time for barbecues, fireworks, and celebrating freedom with family and friends. But for 911 Telecommunicators, it’s a day that a game of "is it gunshots or fireworks" is usually played. For those not in the know, during holidays such as the 4th of July and New Years Eve, 911 centers across the nation are inundated with calls from people convinced they’re hearing gunshots when it’s really fireworks or vice versa. Suppose you happen to be an agency that uses Shotspotter; in that case, it's especially hectic with the influx of notifications from the app because they can't always tell if it's gunshots or fireworks, either.
The 4th of July often brings a surge in call volumes, with emergencies ranging from fireworks-related injuries to noise complaints and large-scale incidents at community events. While the rest of the country is together celebrating, 911 Public Safety Telecommunicators are hard at work, ensuring that the spirit of independence remains safe for everyone.
Facing the Challenges of a Holiday Shift
Independence Day presents unique challenges for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). The mix of increased outdoor activity, large gatherings, and fireworks can lead to a spike in emergency calls. Add in the fact that a large number of folks will probably consume alcohol, 911 Telecommunicators must be prepared to respond to a wide variety of situations, such as:
Noise complaints about fireworks and loud parties.
Fireworks accidents causing injuries or fires.
Traffic incidents as people travel to and from celebrations.
Medical emergencies exacerbated by the summer heat.
Fights and other high-priority/aggressive calls
Preparation is key. Leading up to the holiday, many PSAPs conduct briefings to review protocols and ensure all hands are on deck. These preparations enable telecommunicators to handle the holiday’s unique demands with efficiency and professionalism.
Celebrating While Serving
Despite the hectic nature of the day, many 911 centers find creative ways to celebrate Independence Day. In our center we do several things to spruce up the holiday and help telecommunicators stay positive and connected as a team during long hours. Some things you'll find in our center include:
Potlucks: Shifts coordinate and bring in food for the holiday. Hotdogs are probably going to be the top choice for the 4th of July and let me tell you what - the moment someone brought in a hot dog roller like you'd find at a gas station was a GAME CHANGER in our center.
Decorations: We like to bust out decor that matches the holiday and the 4th of July is no exception!
Themed attire/Console: A lot of times, Telecommunicators will dress in attire that matches the holiday. Occasionally we will hold console or costume decorating contests as well.
Independence Day holds a special significance. It’s a day to honor the freedoms and liberties that define our nation. It's also important to remember the people behind the scenes making sure you get the help you need during the holiday. This independence day, be sure to take a moment and thank a 911 Dispatcher for their dedication to this profession and the hard work they're putting in while you're celebrating with friends and family!
Happy Independence Day, fellow 911 Telecommunicators!